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ringow benches

Know the benefits of providing financial advice

Communication is key when offering any type of attention or service to your clients and to adapt to this new reality, entities have had to resort to technological platforms that allow them to provide facilities to their users when receiving any type of advisory. That is why Ringow Asesorías will be a very important ally because it is the most complete alternative you will find to provide your advice in an effective way.

School Counseling
legal advice

How does it work?

By means of an administrative platform you will be able to segment your services, in attention times, assign advisors for certain services, generate reports in real time and manage all the modules of the system.

video calls

After this, it only remains to comply with the agenda, connecting through a video call with point-to-point speed, the possibility of sharing the screen, sending documents and qualifying the attention through emojis that include a score that you can see in detail in your reports, this will help you implement improvements in care.

legal advice
legal advice


Once the service is scheduled, the user will be notified about their attention and method of entry by mail and/or SMS, this will also be a reminder to keep the appointment.

Some of Our Characteristics

ringow banks

Interface for user and advisor

ringow banks

Easy appointment scheduling, segmented by service

ringow banks

Video call with point-to-point speed

ringow banks

Appointment notification emails and SMS

ringow banks

service rating

ringow banks

Real-time reports

ringow banks

Dynamic tables

Offer advice
finance to your clients

The financial entities that manage Ringow will communicate with their clients and set up meetings online

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